Outdoor partnerships across Colorado are sharing $1.3 million of state funding to expand their reach.
The funds come from Colorado Parks and Wildlife and Great Outdoors Colorado as part of the state's Outdoor Regional Partnership Initiative, which funds regional coalitions that unite economic and environmental concerns with recreational experiences.
Two new partnerships have been established with the funding: the Southeast Colorado Recreation Outdoor Alliance Movement (Otero, Bent, Baca and Prowers counties) and Pagosa Area Recreation Coalition (Archuleta, Mineral and Hinsdale counties).
The Southeast Colorado Recreation Outdoor Alliance Movement, led in partnership by the Southern Plains Land Trust and City of Rocky Ford is receiving $75,000. The Pagosa Area Recreation Coalition is receiving $125,000 in funding. Both new partnerships intend to use the money to support program awareness through community engagement sessions.
Meanwhile, the Outdoor Pikes Peak Initiative is receiving the $186,596 in funding it needs to finish the organization's vision plan. The plan looks to maintain a data hub and online mapping tool in Fremont, Teller and El Paso counties, among other things that will, in part, help identify where it is possible to improve recreational amenities in the Pikes Peak region.
Several other coalitions also were awarded funding:
- Eagle County Community Wildlife Roundtable (Eagle County) - $15,000
- Central Colorado Recreation Partnership (Chaffee, Gunnison and Lake Counties) - $125,000
- Montelores Coalition (Montezuma and Dolores Counties) - $214,410
- Northwest Colorado Outdoor Coalition (Moffat and Rio Blanco Counties) - $220,210
- Roaring Fork Outdoor Coalition - $125,000
- West Slope Outdoor Alliance (Montrose, Delta and Mesa Counties) - $250,000
“The collaborative energy behind the Regional Partnerships Initiative reflects the collaborative spirit of Coloradans.” said Governor Jared Polis in a release announcing the grants. “These partnerships give communities the opportunity to expand conversations around wildlife management, sustainable recreation, and how we can protect our wild, open spaces.”
Around 75 percent of Colorado is now covered by 20 different Outdoor Regional Partnerships, according to the state.
Since the initiative's creation in 2021, a total of $4.9 million has been awarded to partnerships throughout Colorado.
Additional grant funding will open in the fall.