- Born in the Flood- “I’ll Be Damned”
- Patrick Dethlefs- “While You're Carrying the Weight”
- The Raven and the Writing Desk- “Tiny Terrors”
- Blake Brown and the American Dust Choir- “Rise and Fight”
- Eros and the Eschaton- “20 Different Days”
You can hear more from each of these sessions via the "Related Articles" to the right, along with previous episodes of "OpenAir Live & Local."
Be sure to tune in for episode four on Oct. 25, when Jessi Whitten hosts performances from SHEL, In the Whale, and more.
"OpenAir Live & Local" airs at 9:30 p.m. on Saturday nights at CPT12, and re-airs at 1:30 a.m. on Sundays.